Legal Translation

We understand how important accuracy is when it comes to legal translations. In many cases this will call for Certified Translations. Whether you’re looking for legal translations of statements, official documents, legal contracts, business or private agreements; you can be confident of our commitment to your project.

legal translation
It goes without saying that legal documents need to be translated with extreme precision. understands the necessity of bringing the utmost care to translating documents pertaining to your livelihood, your personal life or your finances. We translate a very large amount of documents for the legal profession and we have the appropriate structures in place to ensure that our experts adhere to the highest standards.

We are certified to EN 17100:2015, quality standard for translation service providers, this is a European and international standard for the certification and standardisation of translation processes that must be independently verified and quality checked, all legal translations comply with the standard is part of our quality assurance guarantee.

All of our legal translations are provided by expert linguists with the in-depth experience of legal translations to assure the accuracy of your projects. We translate a wide range of legal documentation and material every day. Whatever your requirements we’re happy to help.

We specialise in preparing, formatting and translating legal documents of all types:

Rapid Discovery Options

Rapid discovery options are now available for large documents that don’t require certification or if you need to identify portions of documents that require subsequent translation and certification. Find out more.

Handwritten Texts

legal translation servicesOne of the biggest challenges in the field of legal translations is that of handwritten documents. These can be difficult to read and even more troublesome to translate. At we have built up particular expertise in deciphering and translating handwritten documents and creating the formatting as close as possible to the original to facilitate easy comparison and cross referencing.  This unique skill set has been acquired over many years with experience of countless hand-written document projects from legal practitioners and government institutions. This allows us to expand our knowledge and prowess in translating legal documents in more than 150 languages and dialects.

Our Quality Standards

certified translation services ireland
Our ISO 9001:2015 and EN 17100:2015 accreditation allows us to produce a high volume of quality translations in all languages. We’ve produced and host our own legal glossaries to assist in producing the correct legal terminology and to see that it is consistently applied. This helps us guarantee that all of the vocabulary and terminology referenced within your legal documents will be translated correctly.

Our Legal Translations Team

certified translation services dublinThe experience and expertise of our legal linguist team are unrivalled. All of our legal translations are carried out by professional native speakers. They complete each project precisely, using the correct legal terminology and convey the information in the source document as specifically as possible. legal translations team are trained and experienced in legal translation and offer the highest standards of service to satisfied customers every day. We have a large panel of legal translators ready to meet your needs.

Translators employ their skills to translate to the highest standard, ensuring consistency in both the spirit and the letter of the law. Completed transcripts are subsequently reviewed by a legal specialist.

Our legal documents translation service is extremely efficient and entirely confidential with a fast turnaround without any loss of quality, providing the most cost effective solution for you.

Law is a language all its own

It is not enough to simply translate what’s on the page. Our translators must understand the legal context and importance of the documents and correspondence they are working with.

There is usually a lot riding on translating these kind of documents.  A local business looking to merge or be acquired by a foreign firm.  A last will and testament of a loved one.  Important legal documents pertaining to adoption, real estate, purchase agreements.  It is vitally important that these are handled intelligently and with precision.  Our translators at are specially selected and trained.  Our certification ensures the highest quality standards. We also provide comprehensive legal interpreting services. For detailed information please visit our legal interpreting services page.

More about Certified Translations.

Want to know more? Please contact us, email us or Call us today on 01 6520760 or Securely upload your document in PDF or DOCX format for a no obligation quote!