Software Localisation

For a good User eXperience, speak the right language

Software Localisation IrelandSoftware is only as good as the User Experience it provides. People prefer interacting with software with the language they are most comfortable speaking. can be the bridge between your software and a global audience.

Our Software Localisation Services offer a comprehensive approach to help your software click with users in different markets, in a different language. Software localisation is about ensuring accuracy of message while delivering a ‘culturally relevant’ interaction with the end-user . And, Software localisation is not always about text.  It can be all manner of multimedia formats; anything that a user will interact with while using your software.

We translate and localise your software for:

  • Cloud Computing Applications
  • Gaming
  • Graphic and Audio-Visual Media
  • PC and Mobile Apps 
  • Educational Materials

Software Localisation dublinWe will work with your software development team while you build your application. We can provide support in the development process to ensure you achieve your localisation goals efficiently and cost-effectively.

Our rapid production processes mean we can begin to localise while you continue development. This means that by managing concurrent versions you can get to market faster.  This allows for simultaneous multi-market and version testing which helps speed up launch!

Our Software Localisation services include:

  • Project analysis and planning
  • Cultural, technical and linguistic assessment and creation of reference material
  • Localisation of user interface
  • Localisation of user manuals and any other print materials
  • Script translations
  • Graphics localisation
  • QA and testing
  • Project delivery

At, we provide translation and localisation in a wide variety of formats and for any genre. We accept files in many formats, for example, source text, string tables, resource files, RESX, libraries, Database exports or HTML/XML. 

We can synchronise with content through our Content Management System and by using the most up to date translation management tools. In this way, we can seamlessly translate and transform the content we’re provided into a format ready for you to include in your builds. We can also translate and localise your User Interface (UI), scripts, manuals, promotional and marketing material, websites, games, apps, blogs, and newsletters.

In fact, it is more often we are doing Transcreation rather than translation.  In fact, we are set up so that we can apply a Transcreation process if you are still working on your source content, in real-time. 

Localisation takes a skilled team

Software Localisation irelandOur trained team will accurately interpret content and themes in your software, providing a translation service that will maintain the integrity of your original concept while localising it to your new market.

The end-user experience will be made better by reflecting cultural nuance and target market understanding into the final translation.  Our team is familiar with your unique domains and audience to ensure that the quality product is preserved.
Our team of technical translators hail from educational disciplines such as Engineering and IT and are well equipped to deal with the unique challenges faced in software translation.
If video or voice over is an element of your content or media we have solutions for that too.

Let us find the best and most cost-effective model for your product. Contact So*******@tr*********.ie for more information.