Finding your way in a different language provides 24-7 on-call interpreters to help you in social and community situations. Say you are travelling or living in a new part of the world where they speak a different language. You might require language help for certain Community & Social situations.
Maybe it’s a social situation where it would be much easier to fit in if you could better communicate. Our interpreters can literally help out in any social situation where you find yourself needing to communicate in a language you don’t know. Google Translate can only get you so far!
Then there are times when it’s critical to understand
Beyond typical social situations, there are going to be times where it is even more important to be able to communicate. Anytime you have to deal with public services or legal situations. Whether it be health, education, government or social services, there are going to be times where it is very important to be able to understand and communicate in a different language.
We offer Community Interpreting Services in many settings such as:
- An Garda Síochána
- Health Executive Service (HSE)
- Civil Ceremony/Civil Registration
- Hospitals
- Probation Services
- Refugee Legal Service
- Irish Courts Service
- Department of Justice and Equality
- Team for Separated Children Seeking Asylum
- Enable Ireland
- National Parents Council
- Garda National Immigration Bureau
- And the list goes on…
Our Community Interpreters takes pride in our team. Our interpreters are specially selected and trained to be empathetic, discreet and professional. Community and Social interpreting can involve attendance in sometimes sensitive situations. Our interpreters need to be able to ‘read the room’ and respond to intangible nuances that occur when people interact.
Our interpreters offer interpreting for anyone who needs it including advocates and officials working with non-nationals. We can work in a variety of settings, together with solicitors, government departments, hospitals and even in social situations. We are often called to aid in private business meetings between colleagues who speak different languages. Whenever language mediation is required, our community and social interpreters are available for you. Each interpreter is a native speaker of their target language and will seamlessly interpret any and all languages needed.
For more information or to book an Interpreter please Call us at 01 6520760, contact us here or email ma**@tr*********.ie