Telephone and Videoconference Interpreting Service

So much of life is happening at a distance these days…

The world has radically moved to more remote working and telephone & video conferencing since Covid-19. This is just how it is, right now. Which is why our Telephone & Videoconferencing product is the most flexible and effective service for the ‘new normal’.

It’s fast, flexible and easy to set up

Telephone interpreting is provided remotely by telephone or videoconference.  Our professional interpreters are carefully recruited and trained in using the most common teleconferencing & videoconferencing technology.  It’s as easy as including them in the call-in details of the scheduled meeting, whether it be over the phone or on a video platform like Zoom, Google Hangouts or Skype.  Or, we can set up the call from any location and include any number of participants.  

Any language, anytime, anywhere

Telephone interpreting allows you to communicate in any language with anyone around the world, at a moment’s notice. Our interpreters can cover 150 languages for all industries on any subject. They are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, every week of the year.  What is more, they can usually be booked with short notice. It is always best to pre-schedule this service with as much advance notice as possible, but we recognize that sometimes needs are more urgent. There is a link at the bottom of this page that will connect you to our booking system.

Confidentiality is our code

Call Centre SupportOur service is covered by a strict confidentiality policy. You are assured that any information shared with our team remains, at all times, completely confidential. Telephone interpreting can provide you with the added privacy of not having a third party physically present while still allowing you to communicate in multiple languages. This aspect makes telephone interpreting especially suitable for sensitive business meetings, medical appointments and personal consultations. 

Confidentiality and discretion is guaranteed in this service as in any of our other language services. It is our code and promise to all clients. 

We’re flexible, cost-effective and quality-assured

We understand the need for flexibility and convenience. Not only are we available for you 24/7 but our telephone interpreting can be set up from a mobile phone as well as a landline. In this way, you don’t need to be tied to any fixed location. You can easily call us from wherever you are and we will set up the call with the most suitable interpreter. We can walk you through it and answer any questions you might have. Click on ‘Contact Us’ below to start the conversation.

We can set up telephone conferencing as a regular service

You might be a business that requires a regularly occurring and ad-hoc telephone interpreting service. Which is why we have set up a service for that. A pool of regular pre-vetted and pre-approved Interpreters will be assigned to your organisation. This service is used for companies that require frequent and timely interactions with the public in different languages. Here are some of the scenarios where this makes sense; banking services, ferry ports, airports, ticketing agents, public offices, health and safety inspections, construction projects and healthcare services. Any business that might require regular but sporadic interpreting for their transactions.

Here are some of  our customers  who use this service:

  • An Garda Síochána and the Garda National Immigration Bureau
  • Legal Aid Board and the Refugee Legal Service
  • Airports (Immigration and Others)
  • Social work services, front-line medical professionals, hospitals and doctors throughout the HSE.

What you can expect from our telephone interpreting service:

  • Quality project management
  • Professional interpreting in over 150 languages
  • High-quality lines and reception
  • Confidentiality
  • Competitive and affordable pricing

To make an enquiry Call us now on 01 6520760, contact us here or email ma**@tr*********.ie