Conference Interpreting

The World Cup of Interpreting!

conference interpreter from

Conferences are like the World Cup of Interpreting. This is where voices and languages from all over the world come together. Conferences represent the truest need for people with different cultures and perspectives to come together and be understood.

This is the reason Conference Interpreting has such unique needs. It is not a single or always simple solution that will fit all situations. Below you will see a variety of interpreter systems that we use to best serve conferences and their attendees. serves conferences of all sizes and types. Whether it’s an international event like the European Union Conference or just a large intercultural business meeting.  Sometimes it’s a medical convention. It is easy to see that the needs of each of these are different and, therefore, require different approaches.

Wherever large groups of people come together and don’t speak the same language, is there!

Whenever you have groups of people coming together who don’t speak the same language, we facilitate their ability to communicate. We don’t employ a ‘one size fits all’ approach but rather use individual methods of interpretation for each event. We take factors such as size, cultural mix, and speaker format into account to offer the best Interpreter solution. 

Our Conference Interpreting System

simultaneous interpreting service for conference

Our Conference Interpreting System consists of soundproof booths, one for each language, microphones for interpreters, earphones for the audience as well as an audio technician. This is the most sophisticated form of Conference Interpreting. Our interpreters usually work in pairs, a team for each language, but this can be scaled down according to the nature or set-up of the conference. We also supply Video Remote Interpreting solutions and Remote Dial-in Interpreting services for certain scenarios when required.

Simultaneous Interpreting

Simultaneous Interpreting is suited for either large or small meetings or groups. Simultaneous means it is happening at the same time as the person is speaking, with the translation being relayed simultaneously as they speak.

This type of interpreting is most commonly used for conferences, corporate meetings, legal proceedings or live broadcasts. This service is very effective in instances where there is an abundance of information being communicated with very few breaks in speaking. For smaller setups, we have some alternative, cost effective options such as:

Whispered Simultaneous Interpreting (aka Chuchotage)

language interpreting system

Whispered Simultaneous Interpreting is also done in real time, where the interpreter sits with an individual or small group and whispers the translation in real-time. This method is best for smaller scale interpreting needs as it can be carried out without any special equipment. Whispering interpreting works well for legal proceedings, small business meetings or keynote addresses where translation is needed for smaller groups.

If preferred, a headset and microphone can be supplied to enhance the experience and reduce disruptions. This is a scaled down version of the Booth & Audio technician service we use for large conferences and can also offer some cost reduction.

Consecutive Interpreting

Consecutive Interpreting is face-to-face interpreting and is useful in many situations such as business meetings, medical appointments, legal consultations, community interpreting, health & safety training, civil registration, and many more. In this scenario, the interpreter waits until the speaker pauses before interpreting. At, our interpreters are trained to use memory techniques to relay accurate translations after each block of dialogue.

This is a great solution if there is only a small number of languages to be translated or if the group is not very large.

Combined solutions for maximum effectiveness

There are many situations where we combine these techniques and services to best serve our clients. If you would like to consult with us about an upcoming event or conference, please fill out the ‘contact us’ form on the sidebar or follow the directions below. A knowledgeable service representative will be in touch right away.

To let us take care of your Conference Interpreting or simply for more info, contact us or email us at ma**@tr*********.ie.

Conference Interpreting Enquiry

"*" indicates required fields

Date of Event*
Please enter a number from 1 to 10.
Select Which language(s) you require
Number Of Users
In-Person / Remote*
Do you need your Interpreter on site or by remotely by video link
Equipment Requirements
Do you need equipment supplied and set up on site ?
Will you have speakers and presenters? What topics you need covered (specialized area)? Do you have scripts? Will you need side-conferences? Do you need to provide social Interpreting and meeting interpreting for your guests?
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.