Work with us

We work with the best and they work with us

working with us translation.ieCommunication in any language is only possible with the right people. We would love to hear from you. We love working with great people and they love working with us.

We have in-house roles for Project Managers, Interpreting Management, HRAdministration / Finance / Accounting, Business, Marketing, Sales, DTP, LinguistsWriters, Reviewers, IT(MSCE), and Software development (Web and Cloud, .NET, Systems Integration and Python). We advertise these jobs on our website as well as on various job posting websites like LinkedIn. If you are applying from a university for an internship, please see here.

We work with industrial, manufacturing, software, and engineering companies across many sectors including medical device, agricultural equipment, and pharma.  We work on multilingual projects that require project management, IT, file engineering, text extraction, and desktop Publishing skills.

We have roles for tele/remote linguists who are able to work from anywhere in the world.

Linguists, all fields:

To work with us, or, to obtain work from us as a translator or Interpreter, you should have two years of translation or interpreting experience and a university degree.

If your area of study is in languages, that is great, but we are also looking for graduates with specific degrees in other sectors who have had translation experience, and are fluent in more than one language.

Ideally, you will be a member of a recognised professional body, but it is not a requirement. However, you must have easy access to email, provide your own tools, be capable of working on-line, be able to use a computer in your mother language, and input all diacritical marks in the writing system for your language.

Please send us a short cover letter with your application, it tells us a lot.

Working as a translator is very different to working as an interpreter. The requirements and skills are different. We have set up separate portal pages specifically for translator and interpreter application processing. Both application processes are by invitation only and include specific testing for the role being applied for.


working with us interpreterWe are always looking for experienced translators with in-depth knowledge of content production in fields such as; Medicine, Pharmaceuticals, Software, Finance, Legal, Engineering, Electronics, Power Distribution, Wind Energy, Renewable Resources and Telecommunications. You don’t need to worry about formats as we will send you “text-only” subject matter whenever possible, Really!

Step 1: Initially can you please submit an application and expression of interest to **@tr*********.ie? Following your application, we will screen your application based on our requirements and we will get back you. Please allow us some time to do this as we get a significant number of applications from translators worldwide, however, we screen every application on a bi-monthly basis, and we will keep your application on file for approximately 12-18 months, so there is no need to re-apply frequently unless you are providing an updated resume/CV.

Step 2: If we reach out to you, we will send you an invitation to complete an online application. In this form we will ask you some specific questions in relation to translation and your use of CAT tools.  You will be asked to provide some details that identify you as a real person. We ask you to provide a link to a sample of work you have done and you will be asked to provide a copy of your resume/CV once more.

It is necessary that you provide details of your qualifications so that we can determine your compliance with the standards required of EN ISO 17100. Don’t worry if you are not, we still have work that you can do even though you have not built up the experience required to hit the ISO standard. We would not have asked you to submit an application unless we were interested in hearing more from you.

Step 3: We will ask you to complete a very short test using a CAT tool to ensure that you can use this system. The test is non-commercial, it is a set of instructions about how to handle text with formatting tags using a CAT tool. The test is statistically measured against previous translations of the same piece, in the same language and will be checked by a translator in the same language for a second opinion. We will promptly inform you of the results of that test.

Step 4: Assuming that you passed the test we will ask you to submit some personal details including copies of your qualifications and identity documents. Then we will send you:- Contracts, Codes of Conduct, and a Confidentiality Agreement. We will then promptly send you work. Specific Non-Disclosure Agreements will also have to be agreed on a “per-client” basis. We will also agree with you about the most efficient way to pay you. We prefer bank transfer whenever possible because we have an international banking system integrated into our management system that avoids fees wherever possible, (as opposed to using other “well known” payment services). We also have a prompt payment policy to ensure you are not waiting to get paid, we will send this to you too.

You will be required to comply with quality guidelines, at all times! Depending on the contract you are working on you may be subject to further vetting and background checks but we will inform you of this advance.

Companies and LSPs may also apply however the process is significantly different from that described above.

Looking for work as a Conference Interpreter?

conference interpreterPlease email HR with your Resume/CV and we will contact you. Please be sure to specify Conference Interpreter in the subject or the body of the email. Thank you Kindly.

Interpreters, narrators, and voice-over artists are always in demand.

Conference interpreters must be competent in simultaneous interpretation and experienced with the use of translation booths, we seek professionals in ‘Chuchotage’ or whispered interpreting as well as consecutive interpreting. We have audio equipment on-site in most locations.

Community Interpreters and Legal Interpreters:

legal interpreterLegal Interpreting and community interpreting is not the same thing… Skills differ enormously however the process we follow to “get to work” is similar so we would like to tell you about that here…

We have laced the piece with puns, colloquialisms, and terminology, to make it interesting to read we hope you enjoy it, it is a bit of fun, by the way, it doesn’t translate well if you machine-translate this either. We wrote it so that we could make an example of it, watch this space! We are sorting the wheat from the chaff :-)…

About: We advertise mostly in your local area, because most work that is relevant to you is situated in your local area, or as close as possible as it can be! We advertise on websites and in local offices throughout the country. If you didn’t see an advertisement, no worries, it does not matter, if you are reading this with a view to work please feel free to email HR at any time, be sure to include your languages, your address and a copy of your Resume/CV with your accompanying experience, please?

Interpreting; as you know, is a very important person-to-person skill, interpreting language and cultural nuances between two languages, for the benefit of both the subject and the client. We will not go on at length about that here because you will know that already.

Because of this interpersonal relationship and the diversity and diaspora of the population, there are a great many language needs in many settings and there are numerous factors that have to be considered.

Reaching out to you… (Professional, high-end interpreters too).

Whether you are a qualified linguist or a talented individual…

World issues affect so many people, the diversity and requirements for intercultural communication is extremely widespread. Religion and cultural background are very important to people too this is also a critical factor that must be considered. There are very few countries that don’t deal with immigrant populations coming from more than 200+ language groups. The world is nowhere near the same as it was, even within your own lifetime! What’s more, you may well be one of the people who have been displaced (whatever the reason), but you are forging out a living using your education and experience as best you can.

For some languages, we are seeking “the best of the best“! You will know if that is you! Whereas if you are skilled and experienced this is a stepping stone to higher achievement, 100%.

Conversely your understanding of what is going on and why you are reading. Describing the application process for this type of interpreting in the same way we described the translator application process above, (if you read it), you will be reading this with a level of understanding and knowing, that you are the right person to apply because you get the cultural inferences, or you will not!

Everybody needs the best help possibly available! Communication in any language! Right?
So… What happens next in the process…?

Apart from language skills and qualifications, which will be discussed and evaluated. Individual experience, educational background, ability, and professional training will play a very important part in the assessment.

From a compliance point of view, it is very important that you can be identified and validated, so that that you have the “Right Stuff” and the correct authority and permission to work.

Jobs are dependent on the location you live in and the skills required locations differ, a car is very useful! We pay a good rate of mileage though.

So… Here’s the story… We have an extensive; on-boarding, vetting, and training process, we step through parts of it really quickly below.

  • We need your CV! We are going to call you to have a chat…
    This is the first test, following that everything we do, or you do, is a test…
  • We want to know where you live and what you are up to. (But we are just having a chat.) When we interview you we don’t write down anything, that is against our confidentiality policy or contra GDPR legislation, you can check that out here, but if you want to know more please call us!
  • We will bring you out and meet you and have more chats. But we may start that with a telephone interview or a Skype call.
  • You will be invited to send in your personal documentation including copies of your passport and your legal status, which of course we keep safe. That is essential and paramount in our game, right?
  • You will be asked to go for training in numerous different settings.
  • You will have legal documents to sign.
  • You will be subject to Garda Vetting.
  • You will be agreeing to a code of conduct that is binding and encompasses best international practice. (We wrote it).
  • Life is a continual test, we will support and guide you and bring you out to meet your peers. We want you to be the best you can be and we want to know that you have the capacity to be the best you can be too! To care about the people you interpret for, and ensure that you look after the legitimate interests and rights of the users who need you. Your integrity is a foundation of trust and a tenet of interpreting, (which is the “oldest industry in the world!”). People depend on you and your co-workers depend on you too. You may not do anything that undermines them or brings them into disrepute by your actions or negligence. Similarly, you must be able to display a courteous personal disposition, be well presented and have the abilities and talents to show the personal efforts you go to in a difficult situation to conduct yourself to a high standard just as you would expect of others to do for you in a similar situation. (trained interpreters have no problem with this but we will be testing you)
  • Confidentiality is key. The people you meet are in the direst of circumstances, they have been through so much to be talking to you (you would know!). Professionalism is paramount these situations and are the most serious cases you would ever never hope to find. If you discover that know the people involved or you are compromised you need to be able to take the correct course of action. We have rules that you will need to sign up to in order to assist you accordingly.
  • Did you know we are on the phone 24 hours a day and 365 days of the year?
  • You will be required to undergo continual improvement “to be the best you can be”!
  • You will be challenged often.
  • You will be surprised, every day!
  • Somebody will always be looking at you and assessing how you do. You work on your own right? Really?! While you are responsible for your own actions we do however check everything out, as do our clients who want to ensure that things are working properly, we are always collecting feedback about your work. Once this is OK, you will have the most rewarding experience of your life.
  • You will be asked to go to seminars, training, and shadowing sessions. (Even if it is your own training or monitoring session)
  • You will be asked to exceed the expectations that others have set and maybe for even yourself.
  • You will be paid to your bank account, no other method of payment is appropriate. Invoices/timesheets must be submitted regularly and in the language requested so that that they can be processed.
  • You will be required to pay taxes which you will have the responsibility of claiming back (OR Not).
  • You are going to have wonderful experiences, and have a very busy time.

The greatest demand for interpreting in Ireland is in community and social interpreting, the work is generally offered on an ad-hoc basis 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, depending on your availability, we require interpreters to be experienced in Medical, Legal, Garda (Police), Social work, Immigration, industrial, social and liaison interpreting.

If you are interested in working with us, please forward your CV and a cover letter to: **@tr*********.ie.